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Buckles on shoes or belts Use an old toothbrush and toothpaste. Then wipe off with a damp rag or rinse under cold water.
Cowhide, calfskin, kidskin Keep well-polished. Polishing keeps shoes looking good, as well as keeping leather soft. As a preventative measure, it's advisable to apply several coats of transparent polish before shoes are worn for the first time
Fabric shoes Wash some fabric shoes by hand and let air dry at least once a month to keep them looking new. Keep the shape by stuffing with newspaper and replace as it gets soaked through. Newspaper helps speed up the drying process.
Nubuck Wipe with cloth or use soft brush to remove surface dirt.
Patent leather Remove surface soil with damp cloth. Occasionally apply soft cream polish or thin film of Vaseline petroleum jelly. To keep leather flexible, apply conditioner or preservative. For good results, clean patent leather with Windex.
Reptile (alligator, lizard, crocodile, snake) Snakeskin should only be polished with a soft cloth that is wiped with the grain. Spraying lightly with hairspray will help to keep the grain down.
Satin Regular trips to the dry cleaners will keep them looking new.
Suede shoes Should be brushed clean with a suede brush or light sandpaper. This will raise the nap of the leather as well as loosen dirt. Never use water on suede because the dissolved minerals usually cause spotting. Stains such as paint or glue can be removed with fine sandpaper. A gum eraser or soft side of an emery board helps remove spots.